Document Bank of Virginia
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Browse Eras (10 total)

Contemporary United States


This era is, in large part, a study of the United States as a global power – politically, economically, and militarily. The detente with communist…

Postwar United States


The era following World War II brought about vast changes, not only in foreign policy, but in economics and a changing civic landscape. The liberalism…

The Great Depression and World War II


Beyond the toll it took on the nation, the Great Depression helped to shape modern-day America, especially in expanding the role of government in…

Emergence of Modern America

The idea of a “Modern United States” begins with the advent of the Progressive era. The Progressive movement focused on reforms viewed as necessary…

Development of the Industrial United States

Washington Co_map_1890_12_0078_001_22x17.jpg

From Reconstruction to the end of the 19th century, the United States went through a dramatic shift in its economic landscape. Industrialization…

Civil War and Reconstruction

Virginia Slave Population_Map_1861_LVA00215.jpg

The Civil War was undoubtedly one of the most important events in American history. The war challenged not only the issue of slavery, but the also the…

Expansion and Reform


Between 1800 and 1860, the United States underwent a period of increased territorial growth, immigration, economic growth, and industrialization. At…

Revolution and the New Nation


The American Revolution is considered one of the most crucial times of United States history to study, as it lays the groundwork for all political…

Colonization and Settlement


The colonial era in American history is essential in setting the framework for all the eras to follow. Nearly two centuries of colonization on the…

The Americas


The study of American history begins more than 30,000 years ago with the arrival of the first peoples on the continent. Ancient societies existed in…