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The Americas
Beginnings to 1607


The study of American history begins more than 30,000 years ago with the arrival of the first peoples on the continent. Ancient societies existed in both North and South America, and would interact differently with European colonial powers. While the Vikings forayed onto American soil first, it was the late 15th century Columbian voyages that truly set the stage for the clash of cultures. These conquistadors were met with native populations undergoing their own changes and growth, which would be drastically altered by the arrival of more and more Europeans. The previous years of economic growth, scientific innovation, and religious conflict led to an increase in global exploration, the development of colonial systems in the Americas, and the introduction of enslaved Africans to both continents.

Indigenous peoples were displaced, often by force, as Europeans colonized the continent. Europe developed the first trans-oceanic empires, a system that would continue far past the American Revolution. Economic and commercial growth increased with the introduction of new natural resources and new labor forces. While Western Europe moved away from the idea of slavery and serfdom, these ideas had already taken hold in the American South.

 Learn more in the National U.S. History Content Standards.

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